Bad Alibi Dairy Goats

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SizeMatter’s GGA Salem


Goat , Mini Nubian , Doe (female) |F5; moonspots

DOB: 3/13/2021

Sire: Green Gables SOF Atlas *B


Green Gables SOF Atlas *B

Mini Nubian Buck (male)

Dam: CH Blackberry’s RBI Witchcraft 2*D/2*P


CH Blackberry’s RBI Witchcraft 2*D/2*P

Mini Nubian Doe (female)

FOR REFERENCE ONLY! Bred by Blackberry's - Thanh And Liz Duong (Website) Owned by: SizeMatters MicroRanch - Megan Archer (Website)

What SizeMatters has to say about Wicca

"Born 1/10/19, “Wicca” is our first 2019 doe! Official height 26.5" at 2 years and WIDE. Her dam was bought already bred, so she carries the esteemed Blackberry’s Herd ...


SizeMatter’s GTT Alcaeus *B/*S

Mini Nubian Buck (male) F8

MDGA# MN15571 DOB: 2/13/20223 yrs


I am so excited about this doeling!

A few years back, my buddy over at SizeMatters MicroRanch decided to make a trade deal. She took Pixie from me and I would take a kid from her. Well it took me 2 years to find the perfect kid and boy was she worth the wait! Now let me be clear... it took me 2 years NOT because of any other reason other than we share a lot of the same lines so it limited who would fit into my herd. Megan was very patient with me though and allowed me to take my time to find the perfect fit!

Megan was amazing at pointing out pairings that would work well here and being my partner through the entire process.

Together we talked about names until we found the exact right name for Witchcraft's (aka Wicca) daughter. So Salem it was!

Salem has incredible width which is one reason my eyes were drawn to her from the beginning. This is something my herd needs some help in so it was a no-brainer. She has such a long, elegant neck that blends very smoothly into her withers. She is higher in these withers than her hips, has the ideal rump angle, and gorgeous rear angulation. She stands on very strong feet with some of the best pasterns I have seen in a young doeling!

At MHMM 2021 Show Salem took Grand Champion Jr Doe in Ring 2. Her dam Wicca is now a finished champion! She took Grand Champion Sr Doe and Best Udder in both rings at our 2021 Mile High Mini Milkers Show as well as having her milk star!
Health Records
Date Procedure Details/Notes
12/9/2022Disease Testing - CAE (Blood)
Negative (2022 Herd CAE & Johnes)
3/5/2022Vaccination - CDT
CDT 2cc (SQ)
5:00 PM 
left shoulder
2/15/2022Exam/Test - Ultrasound
11:00 AM 
Kim: Re-check
3/26/2021Kid Care - Disbudding
3/26/2021Other - Tattoo
Purchase Terms

Possibly retaining a doe
Not retaining any bucks

Updated 10/2/2023