Bad Alibi Dairy Goats

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Bit O’ Bliss G Easter Lily *P *D


Goat , Mini Nubian , Doe (female) |F2

MDGA# XN05540, TMGR# DN000302011679 | DOB: 3/27/2016

Sire: TDiamonds Ranch Gunner


TDiamonds Ranch Gunner

Mini Nubian Buck (male) F2

TMGR# BN00276 DOB: 
  | TMGR# BN00276 | F2
Dam: Bit O' Bliss BF Angel


Bit O' Bliss BF Angel

Mini Nubian Doe (female) F1

MDGA# XN04861 DOB: 4/20/20159 yrs
Angel was born at Bit O' Bliss Farm where she stayed through her first freshening. She gave birth to triplets in 2016; one of which was our Lily. The triplets consisted of 2 bucks and 1 doe. Lily and one of her brothers had blue eyes (I like to keep track of this for genetic reasons). Her life while with Brenda was well documented and can be found by visiting Bit O' Bliss' website. After having th ...
  | MDGA# XN04861 | F1


Bad Alibi's LS Arson

Mini Nubian Buck (male) F3

TMGR# BN000302013813 Deceased

Arson's Kidding History



Lily came to us in milk from GTO Ranch after having her first freshening. This kidding produced 1 buck (Starbuck).

That year we participated in the 1-Day style milk testing where Lily produced 6.75 pounds of milk, and 4.67% of butterfat in a 24 hour period at only 57 days fresh! This gave her 75.62 points on the 1-Day scoring system which allowed her to earn her production star at both MDGA and TMGR!

Photos of Lily's udder progression

Liliy's Kidding History

2021: N/A
2020: N/A
2019: 2 does, 1 buck- (Aki, Magnolia, Daisy Duke)
2018: 1 buck (Starbuck), 1 doe (Unknown)
Scientific Data
Date Details/Notes
06/19/2018Height: 24.5"
03/27/2016G6S Normal by parentage (see parent's page)
Health Records
Date Procedure Details/Notes
11/15/2021Disease Testing - CAE (Blood)
None Detected - November 2021 CAE
3/19/2021Supplements - Copper
1 buck (Akihiro), 2 Does (Daisy Duke & Magnolia)
Bred to Green Gables Thunderstruck
7/13/2018Exam/Test - CVI
Goat Yoga - Denver County Fairgrounds
5/30/2018Disease Testing - CAE (Blood)
Negative (2018 GTO Herd CAE-Johnes, CL, Brucellosis )
5/30/2018Disease Testing - Brucellosis (Blood)
Negative (2018 GTO Herd CAE-Johnes, CL, Brucellosis PDF)
5/30/2018Disease Testing - Johne’s (Blood)
Negative (2018 GTO Herd CAE-Johnes, CL, Brucellosis PDF)
5/30/2018Disease Testing - CL (Blood)
Negative (2018 GTO Herd CAE-Johnes, CL, Brucellosis PDF)
1 buck (Starbuck), 1 doe (unknown)
Bred to B-52's Scout (at GTO Ranch)

Updated 10/2/2023